__  __      _____    ____  _       
  __ _|  \/  | __ |_   _|__|  _ \(_) __ _ 
 / _` | |\/| |/ _` || |/ _ \ |_) | |/ _` |
| (_| | |  | | (_| || |  __/  _ <| | (_| |
 \__,_|_|  |_|\__,_||_|\___|_| \_\_|\__,_|


Levels in /wargame/
Passwords in /home/<user>/password
Workspace in /tmp/<somethingrandom>

SSH at port 2229, ssh -p2229 levelX@amateria.smashthestack.org

Need Help?

Join us on IRC at #amateria @ irc.smashthestack.org

Level 0

The first level is a remote one, you can find the source you need here
No outbound connections are allowed so you can't use a connectback for it (or a bindshell for that matter)

If you didn't read the above line, it means NC WILL NOT WORK! Thank you for your attention.

Have fun!

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